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Edit Szigeti is primarily a surrealistic painter, however cubism and neoclassicism are also close to her heart, with her artistic forms sometimes reaching into the purely abstract.
Her paintings open an invisible gate into a fantastic, colorful and mysterious empire. Some of her artworks combine science fiction and erotic subjects, and can evolve gray ordinary images into a extraordinary vision.
Edit Szigeti’s animal paintings and landscapes are also related to surrealism with an easily humorous touch, sometimes even more so than in her fantasy paintings. Fish, elephants, birds and lizards all have human characteristics. Trees also come to life in front of whirling clouds.
In the fantasy paintings the negative forces are always defeated by postive energy. Death is portrayed as a crazy skeleton-musician or clown, and becomes instead a symbol of rebirth rather than life drowning in the water of forgetfulness.
The human soul in this time-trap emerges as a winner in this mysterious painted world. All the artworks by Edit Szigeti radiate with positive messages.
The composition of the nudes, abstracts and the fantasy portrayals are more simplified, because in these paintings the primary purpose is the harmony of the concordant forms and bright colors. This harmony of forms is often emphasized by a geometrical background.
The paintings are created with the traditionally classical techniques (using oil paint on either canvas, or on woodpanel). This is an eternally enduring tradition of painting which serves well the professional craftmanship of this delicately evolved style.
Edit Szigeti spent 11 years in Los Angeles from the year 1982-onwards, during which time she exhibited in several famous art galleries (such as the Baracat Gallery on Rodeo Drive, and also at the Santa Monica art show).
Ever since her return to Europe she has had various exhibitions in Austria (Vienna), Germany(Hottingen), Switzerland (Zug and Geneva),and in Hungary (Budapest).
Presently Edit Szigeti also works in the modern field of computer graphic s. Her computer graphics are often also touched by surrealism. She sometimes uses her own original paintings in combination with her computer graphics. In this way her finely detailed handpainted work when mixed with a modern computer technics creates endless possibilities. She is currently designing logos, CD covers, posters, website graphics on demand. In 2008 Edit Szigeti published a children’s book in which she wrote all the stories and created all the illustrations and the poems.
Edit Szigeti is a also a well-established musician. She is known as both a singer and a lead-guitarist. Edit Szigeti is still the only well-known female professional lead-guitarist in Eastern Europe, which makes her very unique. She plays her own songs, but she also loves to play Gary Moore and Carlos Santana . Her favorite music styles are both the blues and the melodic old-fashioned rock music from the 80s. After she graduated from a fine arts school in Hungary she traveled all over the world as a musician. The depth of her musical background is also mirrored in her paintings.
As a composer and lyric writer Edit Szigeti created two musicals which were performed in Hungary. She also wrote numerous songs for several talented Hungarian singers.
I hope you will have fun and really enjoy exploring her website. You can view her beautiful paintings, computer graphics, watch a slide show photo album, or view her videos. Even for children there are lots of imaginative drawings which you can print out as coloring pages. Edit Szigeti lives with a talkative african gray parrot. You can also listen on the website to this parrot speak.
Please fee free to send emails and write your opinions about Edit Szigeti’s artwork, or you can ask her any questions on various topics of her music and art works. You can purchase a painting, order a painting ( even a surrealistic portrait of yourself) or order logos and other kinds of computer graphic works. You can even order a complete website design created for yourself.

Cell phone +36-30-9746-821